You should also not expect the cliched, ‘Walking Dead’ esque “The humans are the real monsters” style reveal. The creatures themselves don’t feature too heavily after a rousing opening scene and there is good reason for that. She is immediately likeable and an engaging presence, and the more page time she gets the more you begin to relate to her, despite the wild and crazy situation she is in. She makes mistakes, becomes more unsure of herself, but never falters from doing what she believes to be right. The longer we spend with her however, the more Ashford humanises her and we begin to see her as more vulnerable. She often comes across as a cross between Rambo and Lara Croft, particularly early on. She is quickly shown to be a capable and resourceful character, making the best of a tough situation. Will there be a sequel? I certainly hope so! This is a perfect escapism read and one that will give you all the thrills of a fun 90s horror flick.One of the books secret weapons is Cora. I wanted more! The last scene made me want so much beyond that final conclusion. I read it in one sitting and didn’t breath until the final sentence. Not only do the contestants run from monsters, they are running from each other and the monsters lurking within the darkness of their minds (one specific character’s mind, but I won’t say who). This is the extra sauce to the already blood drenched plot that makes Sole Survivor stand out.

Each character gets their fifteen minutes of fame as they face the island’s terror, but it’s more than just rabid large teeth marsupials threatening the contestants. Sole Survivor revolves around a deadly game show where contestants are crashed onto an island and must fend off blood thirsty koala bears. This book sinks its teeth into you and doesn’t let go! Like ever book in the Rewind or Die series I’ve read so far, it’s an action-laced, gore soaked, love song to camp 80s/90s horror.